As a Harry Potter fan it seemed a must this summer to celebrate the premier of the last movie in the series with a cocktail named after one of the major characters.
Backyard Bartender have been quite busy with the shaker and the barspoon.
I have to admit what sold me one the Neville Longbottom was the Earl Gray infused gin, but he has been a favorite from the beginning. Also in my opinion the reason for the great success of the Potter universe is that there are so many different heros - most of us can find more than one to identify with.
I started by infusing the gin by putting one table spoon good, loose Earl Gray tea in a clean jar and then add 20 cl gin. I then put the lid on, shook the whole thing and sat it in the sun for a least an hour. The gin turned a lovely dark tea color and smelled divine, I strained it as I used it.
- 6 cl Earl Gray infused gin
- 4 cl Pimm's No. 1
- 1 cl fresh lemon juice
- 1 cl simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water boiled and cooled)
Everything in a shaker with plenty of ice (the gin was quite warm after an hour in the sun). Shake and then strained into low ball glass over new ice.